Many bugs love the warm climate in Louisiana. While many of these bugs are harmless, at least out in the garden, some can be dangerous and others can damage your home if they find their way indoors. What bugs are you most likely to have in your home in Louisiana and what should you do with them?

In this article, you will find details of common house bugs in Louisiana so you can identify the different pests that could become a nuisance in your home. We have also included tips on how to keep the different pests away to prevent them from becoming an issue for you.

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Common House Bugs in Louisiana

From the thousands of bugs and their subspecies in Louisiana, some are more likely than others to make your home their home, too. The most likely reason they will have to enter your home is to find food and shelter.

1. American Cockroach

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Image Credit: adamspest

Most people living in Louisiana will be familiar with American cockroaches. They have the largest body out of the common roaches, growing up to 53 mm long. They also live the longest, up to approximately 700 days.

An American cockroach has a reddish-brown body. The shield behind its head is brown with light yellow. Both male and female American cockroaches can fly, even if only short distances. They are opportunistic feeders and will eat pretty much anything from dead animals, including their own species, to human hair and rotten food.

While the American cockroaches are the largest cockroach species you can find in your home in Louisiana, there are other species, too. Other common cockroach species in Louisiana include the German cockroach, Asian cockroach, and Oriental cockroach.

2. Beetles

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Image Credit: extension

There are many species of beetles in Louisiana but some of the most destructive in your home include the carpet beetle and the powderpost beetle. Adult carpet beetles are not destructive, but if they begin to breed, you have a problem. Carpet beetle larvae will feed not just on the food they find in your kitchen but also on your linen and clothes.

The damage level powderpost beetles can cause is on a similar level with termites. The larvae will destroy wooden structures as they create tunnels inside them. When they mature, they will chew their way out of the structure, which is usually the first time you realize you have a powderpost beetle infestation.

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3. Earwigs

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Image Credit: beebespest

Earwigs like dark and moist areas such as basements or bathrooms. Although they are nocturnal species, they are attracted to light. Earwigs are found all around the planet except for the Arctic regions.

Earwigs have pincers that may look like they could inflict some harm, but only rarely will they cause any harm to people. However, earwigs can cause damage in your home or garden as they like to feed on sugary food and vegetation.

4. Fire Ants

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Image Credit: smarterpestcontrol

Fire ants, which are also called army ants or red ants, are an invasive ant species that are found in Louisiana and the rest of the southeast. They are not native to the United States but arrived by accident on board a South American cargo vessel.

Fire ants live in colonies and sometimes a single acre of land can have up to 700 colonies containing up to 250,000 ants. They have a painful sting delivered with the rear stinger. They can carry disease as well as destroy property. Sometimes fire ants will build their nests inside wall cavities and look for food in your home.

5. Mosquitoes

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When you get bitten by a mosquito, it can cause itching and rashes. However, it can be worse than that since mosquitoes can carry and spread diseases such as the West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Yellow Fever, and Malaria. Disease-spreading mosquitoes have caused more human deaths than any other animal.

Louisiana’s wet and humid summers are perfect for breeding mosquitoes and the mosquito season starts in early spring, so get your mosquito repellents ready before then. They lay their eggs on still water, so avoid having standing water on your property and encouraging biting females (males don’t bite) to breed near your home.

6. Silverfish

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Image Credit: britannica

Silverfish will not harm you but they will damage your property. They get their name from their color and fishlike appearance. You can find them in almost every corner of the world. When they find their way into your home, they look for damp places such as your bathroom, basement, attic, or kitchen.

Silverfish feed on starch and sugar and can destroy things such as your books, clothes, and soft furnishings. They are nocturnal creatures, which is why you will not spot them during the day. Most people only know they have silverfish in the house when they turn the light on during the night, for example, in the bathroom.

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7. Spiders

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Many people dislike spiders even though most of them are not harmful to us and many can be useful in controlling other pests. Spiders like dark and moist places, which is why you can often find them in places such as flowerpots or your basement.

While most spiders are not a problem in your house and garden, even if you dislike them, some spider species in Louisiana can be dangerous. These species include the brown recluse, black widow, and brown widow. If you think you may have been bitten by one of these spiders, it is best to go to the hospital.

8. Termites

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There are different types of termites but the most common type in Louisiana is the subterranean termite. These termites are small but capable of causing damage worth billions of dollars every year as they chew through the interior of wooden structures.

As the name suggests, subterranean termites are underground dwellers and create mud tubes, which lead to food sources. They will chew through wood and then cover the holes with mud and dirt. Dry wood termites, which are also found in Louisiana, will attack dry wood. Unlike subterranean termites, they don’t fill up the holes in the wood.

9. Wasps

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There are many species of wasps in Louisiana. One of the most common species in the state is the Red Paper wasp. Paper wasp species are not aggressive and will not usually sting unless threatened. However, they have a painful sting and can sting you multiple times, unlike bees. Their sting can be dangerous to a person with an allergy.

Paper wasps are omnivores and will feed on other insects and flowers. They can be useful in controlling other pests in the garden but you don’t want them making a nest in your home in, for example, gutters or near your doors and windows as they could see you, your children, or pets as threats and attacks.

10. Mice and Rats

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Strictly speaking, mice and rats are not house bugs but since they are among the most common pests, we have included them on the list. Often mice and rats will not be a nuisance in your home until the weather cools and they seek warm shelter.

Mice and rats are primarily nocturnal and you can often hear them rather than see them if they have got into your house. You may also see other evidence of them, such as their droppings. Rodents can also become an issue if they die in your home, for example, inside your wall cavities.

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How to Get Rid of Common House Bugs

What measures you take to get rid of common house bugs depends on the type of pest you are dealing with. While you can deal with some bugs on your own, other bugs are best left to pest control professionals.

If you are dealing with a pest problem yourself, you can use pesticides or insecticides that can be bought in most shops. Alternatively, you can make a bug repellent using scents many bugs hate such as lavender, mint, and citrus.

Preventing Common House Bugs

Often, it is better to prevent the issue from happening in the first place than try to deal with it when the bugs have already spread inside your home. Since many of the bugs are drawn to damp places, try to keep them as dry as possible. You might even like to consider getting a dehumidifier.

Keep your home clutter free and dispose of old food as quickly as possible. Check your home for cracks, crevices, and crawl spaces pests are likely to use as shelter. Start using preventative measures, such as mosquito repellents before the season begins and keep replenishing them to ensure they keep working.


While some common house bugs in Louisiana are harmless and may cause no damage, others can be dangerous to humans and pets or destroy your belongings. If you have a pest infestation in your home, sometimes you may be able to deal with it yourself while other times it will be better to get professional help.

You can also take preventative measures to stop pests from coming into your home. These are often better ways to deal with bugs as sometimes you may not notice the infestation until the damage is already done.

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